Real Pictures: Imaging XX, 2017
Real Pictures: Imaging XX
Sue Gee, Megan Jenkinson, Marie Shannon, Deborah Smith and Jenny Tomlin
Curated by Nina Seja in association with PhotoForum
Exhibited at Gus Fisher Gallery, Auckland, 2 - 30 June, 2017 as part of the Auckland Festival of Photography
Exhibited at the 17th China Pingyao International Photography Festival, 19 - 25 September, 2017
Presenting work by five artists associated with the hugely influential photography gallery and laboratory Real Pictures, which operated in Auckland from 1979 to 1990. Artists: Sue Gee, Megan Jenkinson, Marie Shannon, Deborah Smith and Jenny Tomlin.
Cover of Real Pictures: Imaging XX, published by PhotoForum as PhotoForum #88, 2017.
Catalogue published by PhotoForum Inc. as PhotoForum 88.
Photographs by Daniel Mayo-Turner of the opening event here
Title banner for the Pingyao version of Real Pictures: Imaging XX. Design by Fiona Lascelles
Wall text for the Pingyao version of Real Pictures: Imaging XX. Design by Fiona Lascelles
Artist profiles for the Pingyao version of Real Pictures: Imaging XX. Design by Fiona Lascelles