Chris Corson-Scott: The path less traveled
Hannah Mackintosh
The Big Idea
9 June 2017
Photographers have had to battle for legitimacy within the New Zealand art world. Until recent times, photography was not considered a true art form due to the nature of the craft - you can print unlimited editions and therefore the final product was always sold for a low price. These days photography is finding its place as a respected art form. June marks the month of the Auckland Photography Festival, an annual festival that celebrates New Zealand photographers and their craft. Yet, there still remains to be seen a permanent exhibition in any museum across the nation that is dedicated to celebrating New Zealand photography. I spoke with Chris Corson-Scott, whose work is being exhibited in this year’s Auckland Photography Festival, about the reality of photography as a legitimate career option for young New Zealanders.
Chris Corson-Scott Cheadle Heath Purifier, Former Temuka Flour Mill, 2016