PhotoForum Supplement 6 (Summer, December 1980)

PhotoForum Supplement 6 (Summer, December 1980)
PhotoForum Supplement 6 (Summer, December 1980)
Editor: Diane Quin
Assistant Editor: Janet McCallum
Design & Layout: Diane Quin and Katherine White
“The Suspect Image”- Giorgio E Colombo; “A Little More Law” - essay by Donald Sweet B.A. LL.B. C.A. with photographs by Margaret Jane Dawson; “Politics and Photography, Photography and Politics” - essay by Alistair Crawford; “ANZAC Day” and Agricultural and pastoral Shows - A Celebration” photo essays by Tony Kellaway; Gum Bichromates article by Rod Wills; Dennis Ng portfolio; Exhibition reviews: Shirley Gruar by Diane Quin, Murray Hedwig by Trevor Ulyatt, Rod Wills by Katherine White, Bruce Connew by Leslie Haines, Diane Quin by Mathew Jeremy Tenison-Woods; Book reviews: “Photography” by mark Edwards, reviewed by Katherine White, “The Art of Colour Photography” by John Hedgecoe reviewed by Jane Zusters, “Thurston Hopkins” monograph by Robert Muller reviewed by Mary Blythe; “Celebration in History” essay by John Sullivan, with photographs by the Tyree Brothers, Telsa Studio and C.W. Coles.
Cover and back cover photographs by Barney Brewster