The 2019 Best Antipodean Photobooks

Our friends Doug Spowart & Victoria Cooper have published a list of The Best Antipodean Photobooks of 2019 on their website The Antipodean Photobook, February 2020.
We are very pleased that the recent PhotoForum publication, Imaanshaha by Saynab Muse, is included.

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Library & Laboratory

John B. Turner
Burton Brothers, William Tyree, Daniel Louis Mundy, James Valentine, Herbert Deveril, Peter Peryer, John Fields, Bryony Dalefield, Glenn Busch, George Silk, Megan Jenkinson, Peter Black, Anne Noble, Theo Schoon, Les Cleveland, Gary Baigent, Robin Morrison, Allan McDonald, Richard Collins, John Morris, Daniel Manders Beere, John S. Daley, George Valentine, Mac Miller

Bowerbank Ninow
Level 9, 10 Lorne Street, Auckland

30 January – 22 February 2020

Opening Thursday 30 January, 6 - 8pm

John B. Turner will be in conversation with Ron Brownson at 1pm on Saturday, 01 February

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PhotoForum/Wellington - A History

PhotoForum/Wellington: Working Independently
Essay by Athol McCredie

This essay is an extracted chapter from the book PhotoForum at 40: Counterculture, Clusters, and Debate in New Zealand by Nina Seja, (Rim Books, 2014). We have added extra illustrations of exhibition posters that were recently gifted to us.

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