Stills - Map Projects

Kieran Lowe and Vanessa Green; Stills portrait series

Stills - Map Projects

Kieran Lowe, Vanessa Green

Outdoor exhibition

Studio One Toi Tū pop up
1 Ponsonby Rd, Grey Lynn

7 May - 11 June 2023

Part of the Auckland Festival of Photography

This outdoor show celebrates the work of Tāmaki Makaurau based photographers Kieran Lowe and Vanessa Green who are both drawn to portraiture and documentation within their own works. Together they explore and focus on wetplate collodion photography, a photographic process that dates back to the 19th century and an original method of photographic documentation. Stills is a collection of raw portraits, which play with the contrasts between old and new - the past versus the present. This series of stills creates a juxtaposition of old and new and contrasts contemporary subjects with a historic technique that dates back to the times of early photography.

At Studio One Toi Tū outdoors in partnership with MAP project using poster sites with Phantom Billstickers. On construction hoardings, MAP Projects is about Making Art Public and part of people’s everyday experience.


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