Overlooked Ordinary

Overlooked Ordinary

Richard Wotton

Te Manawa
326 Main Street, Palmerston North

27 May – 11 August 2023

Richard Wotton is a photographer from Whanganui. Since the 1970s through to the present, he has been photographing architecture and interiors around the central North Island region. He finds beauty in ordinary utilitarian design and accidental arrangements, and his images capture timeless scenes that evoke illusive recollections and nostalgia for an imagined recent past. Places that are familiar are viewed as distant and the overlooked placed in sharp focus.

The images in this exhibition are part of a selection that entered the Te Manawa Collection in 2022. Chosen for their aesthetic value and their depiction of recognisable local scenes, they are a record of what is or was here and a document of regional change.

The DoubleFarley short documentary film Richard Wotton: Moments Later will accompany the print exhibition.


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