Jon Carapiet
Outdoor exhibition
Silo 7 - Silo Park
Corner Beaumont & Jellicoe St, Auckland
29 May - 12 June 2024
Artist talk: 12pm (noon) Sat 8th June
Part of the Auckland Festival of Photography
Jon Carapiet/AI, Greta Thunberg
Auckland Festival of Photography is proud to present Jon Carapiet's 'Legacy' exhibition as part of the "Believe" [whakapono] theme.
Using A.I. that Jon re-animates old photos to bring them to life, Legacy explores themes of celebrity and power in the modern world. The pictures challenge the conventions of both photography and portraiture. They create a new perspective on time, remembrance and the traditional role of photography as 'memento mori'. A series of portraits of 'the greats' of our time. With the ongoing development of ArtificiaI Intelligence software for imaging we are entering a whole new era in the creation of images which can seamlessly pretend to be “real”. Who or what are we now to believe?
Jon has a BA (Hons) in archeology, anthropology and art history from St Johns College, Cambridge University. He also studied photography at Elam School of Fine Art, at The University of Auckland where he graduated M.Phil in 1995. He continues to exhibit artwork as part of the Festival, and featuring in publications through PhotoForum.
Hear Jon speak with RNZ about his work .
Jon will be giving an in person talk about this series on 8th June at 12pm, please ensure weather appropriate attire as this will be outdoors.
Thanks to Eke Panuku Development Auckland.