

Marolyn Krasner

Thistle Hall
293 Cuba St, Te Aro, Wellington

26 - 30 September 2023

Opening Mon, September 25, 2023 - 6.00pm

Cyanotype Workshops with Marolyn Krasner: 26 - 30 September, 11am - 2pm daily

My art comes from a deep appreciation of plants and has been an essential part of my healing after multiple bereavements over the past two years. I work in cyanotype and I use botanicals as my subjects. I am exploring ferns in this show because I find these ubiquitous and majestic plants beautiful, surprising and fascinating.

The blend of cyanotype and ferns is soothing and exciting.

Cyanotype Workshops 26 - 30 September, 11am - 2pm daily

Bring the kids for a drop in session to make cyanotypes. No artistic ability is required, nature does most of the work!

Cost: Free


30 September is World Cyanotype Day. 

Every year on the last Saturday of September, photographers and artists worldwide will gather in backyards, parking lots, galleries and parks to connect, create and celebrate this antiquarian photographic process. Be a part of it this year with Marolyn Krasner.

Instagram : @marolynkrasner

Website: www.marolynkrasner.com


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