New Zealand Herald Visual Journalists
Outdoor, Silo Park
Silo 6, Wynyard Quarter, Auckland
30 May - 12 June 2022
Part of the Auckland Festival of Photography
Hours: 11am-4pm 7 days (closed Mon 6 June: public holiday)
Dean Purcell, Rally Your Village pop-up vaccination drive held by South Seas Health in Otara A vaccination team takes shelter from the sun.
Whilst New Zealand stayed home, queued up, stayed positive, put-on hold and remained in limbo, New Zealand Media & Entertainment (NZME), NZ Herald visual journalists were tasked with documenting daily life, daily lockdown news, daily weather and changes as well as the status quo during one of the most challenging period in recent history. They juggled a work life balance and the same family life challenges in order to bring fourth wall visuals as standalone vistas, as well as complimentary colour and document to the news stories needed for NZ Herald journalists and newsdesks...
This exhibition is a small showcase of 100's of images taken during the last two years showing the ordinary and the familiar through the lenses of the extraordinary coverage of: a global pandemic, challenging weather events and the new realities, disruptions and upheavals that affected all New Zealanders. A complimentary NZ Herald talk is planned to discuss; being a visual journalist during the disruption of "the working from home" era; the work to continue to take arresting visuals, and remaining positive through one of the most challenging times for "main stream media".
Screening daily, more images from the NZ Herald photography and video collections will be showing within the NZ Herald building foyer in Graham Street and outdoors on the Victoria St West billboard throughout the Auckland Festival of Photography.
Thanks to the photographers - Photographers: Dean Purcell - Chief Photographer NZ Herald Alex Burton Michael Craig George Heard - Christchurch Mark Mitchell - Wellington, Beehive Jason Oxenham Brett Phibbs Mike Scott - documentary film and photography special projects Sylvie Whinray Plus regional contributors - Hawkes Bay, Bay of Plenty and Whangarei Special thanks to Picture Editors - Alex Robertson and Janette Dalley, News Directors - Visuals for their support of this show.
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