Changing Circumstances

Changing Circumstances

Mike O'Kane

Photospace Gallery
37 Courtenay Place, Te Aro, Wellington

11 July - 13 August 2022

Changing Circumstances is Mike O’Kane’s third exhibition at Photospace Gallery, and the title references how we can be rearranged by circumstances sometimes beyond our knowing.

Since O’Kane’s 2012 Photospace exhibition, his style and content have evolved- most scenes in this exhibition also now include elements of his paintings which often are the genesis of a work. He has combined these with photographic techniques and Photoshop computer manipulation to create almost surreal sculptural scenes. O’Kane has come to celebrate the many serendipitous additions and erasures that can occur during this process.

The gods of war seem never sated, so O’Kane uses plastic models which depict war to suggest another narrative; no longer are they simple ciphers of combat, and in these seven images none of the figurines (bar one) brandish weapons. O’Kane has assembled and painted all the plastic figurines shown in these works. Those used in Dardanelles Two Step were particular poignant for him, as the figurines come from a set made in Kiev, Ukraine.

O’Kane has been exhibiting for many years. His works are held in several regional galleries, and in private collections in New Zealand and Australia.


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