Pōkai Whenua, Pōkai Moana
Pōkai Whenua, Pōkai Moana
Bridget Reweti
Hocken Library
University of Otago
65 Albany St, Dunedin
16 August – 30 October 2021
2020/2021 Frances Hodgkins Fellowship exhibition.
Bridget Reweti (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi), Kāpukataumāhaka 1, 2021, stereoscopic C-Type on photorag, courtesy of the artist.
Pōkai Whenua, Pōkai Moana references the many names of a Tamatea, a principle ancestor within Takitimu whakapapa. This exhibition by Tauranga Moana artist Bridget Reweti, the 2021/22 Frances Hodgkins Fellow, situates lands and waters as the main protagonist. Employing lens and light based processes from large format and stereoscopic photography to digital moving image, the works focus on lands and waters as known, named and implicitly possessing long-held Māori narratives. An illustrated publication with several short essays will be produced as part of this project and will be the first major monograph about the artist.
Bridget Reweti, 4870 - Living the Dream, 2021. Whenua coloured silver gelatin photograph.
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