Between Dreaming and Living

Between Dreaming and Living

Vikky Alexander

SKAR Imagelab
1 New Bond Street, Kingsland, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland

11 February - 4 March 2023

Opening Friday 10 Feb, 5-7pm

Open 11am - 2pm Saturdays & by appointment

A PHOTO OP. exhibition

In the 1980s, I grew up on a diet of mass-media imagery from movies, television and magazines, shaping my understanding of the complexities and contradictions of adulthood.

For me, Vikky Alexander’s 1985 photographic series 'Between Dreaming and Living' recalls that time, when images seemed more intense, more real, than lived experience.

I later connected this to Baudrillard's influential concept of the hyperreal, in which what are considered 'real' and fiction are so blended and entangled that no distinction exists between where one ends and the other begins.

Perhaps this condition is even more pronounced today, when our lives have become inseparable from images, and are mediated by ever-new forms of photographic representation and consumption.

Emil McAvoy


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