Suite: A collection of works 1989 – 1994

Suite: A collection of works 1989 – 1994

Di Ffrench

WHMilbank Gallery

07 July - 01 August 2020

Read the story on the Big Idea, 07 July 2020

Di Ffrench (1946 - 1999), Untitled #2, from Hunter Warrior series, cibachrome print, 600 x 760mm (detail)

Di Ffrench (1946 - 1999), Untitled #2, from Hunter Warrior series, cibachrome print, 600 x 760mm (detail)

Kirk Nicholls has curated and hung an exhibition of his mother Di ffrench's work called Suite: A collection of works 1989 – 1994. It is on display at the Whanganui WHMilbank Gallery until 1 August.

We brought the works out of storage and selected the best ones to suit the space.
In the end, they chose themselves.
It was interesting going over them and seeing her process again, the multiple layers she built up in an organic way, not digital at all.
I was surprised with how fresh, vibrant and relevant they seemed after 30 odd years.
It’s a great time to get them out and share again.