Flash Cars

Flash Cars

Murray Cammick

Photospace Gallery
1st Floor, 37 Courtenay Place, Wellington

13 November 2020 - 23 January 2021

Preview 5pm -7.30pm, Thursday 12 November

Murray Cammick  Flash Cars.jpg

The legendary FLASH CARS photo story by Murray Cammick is showing in Wellington from November 13 at Photospace Gallery, 37 Courtenay Place. Cammick shot over 3,000 images of the late-1970s Queen Street scene from 1974 to the end of the decade. In an era when New Zealand had two TV channels, youth culture was shaped by movies like Easy Rider (1969), Woodstock (1970) and American Graffiti (1973). FLASH CARS depicts a car culture and a youth culture with a big dose of American Graffiti in a series of photos that include carefully restored cars and unwarranted police bait.

Artist and exhibition info

Video by Hans Weston