close to the wind

close to the wind

Ann Shelton

Curated by Heather Galbraith

Two Rooms
16 Putiki Street, Newton, Auckland

26 September - 26 October 2019
Preview Wednesday 25 September 6 - 8 pm

Ann Shelton The Lady's Maid, Valerian (Valerian sp.), 2019

Ann Shelton The Lady's Maid, Valerian (Valerian sp.), 2019

close to the wind sets up conversations between selected works by Ann Shelton (2001-2019), and 19th century historical vernacular photography from a private collection, in order to identify and attend to certain omissions and presences. Shelton’s works presented here, tap into a range of urgent societal concerns and tensions, prioritizing female experiences and narratives; including access to abortion, fertility and women’s relationships to crime. The title of the exhibition alludes to the idiom of ‘sailing too close to the wind’, where an individual and/or action is on the verge of doing something illegal or improper, or when a scenario includes a key agent or character who has intentionally or unknowingly moved towards implied danger or precarity. close to the wind seeks to provide a space for consideration of some of the societal frameworks that suppress, define, pass judgement, essentialise or denigrate female experience, and a tendency to perpetually, repeatedly, sail too close to the wind.