WAI - Manga Maha, Awa Kotahi | One River, Many Streams
WAI - Manga Maha, Awa Kotahi | One River, Many Streams
Denise Batchelor, Kirsten Browne, Cody Field, Siv Fjaerestad, Tony Garstang, Jonathan Kay, Anna-Marie Kingsley, Sam Ludden, Warren Maxwell, Amber McEwan, Joe Potangaroa, Rawiri Smith, Ngatai Taepa, Gareth Winter
Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History
29 March - 26 May 2019
Artist Talk: Saturday, 30 March, 11am
River Walks: Times tbc
Closing event:
Arts + Climate Innovation: The Role of the Arts – Organised by Track Zero in partnership with Aratoi.
Sunday, 26 May, 2 - 4pm
Jonathan Kay, Ice Field #1 Tasman Glacier (2018). Cyanotype photogram on cotton. 115 x 280cm (installation view)
WAI seeks to reconnect the Wairarapa community with its waterways through art and to advocate for the rivers of the region through education. A multi-media exhibition, WAI features a site-specific ceramic river sculpture installation by Sam Ludden, soundscape with Rawiri Smith and Cody Field, riverscape installations by Siv Fjaerestad with Tony Garstang, video art by Denise Batchelor, large-scale photograms of South Island glaciers by Jonathan Kay, a display of one of Masterton’s earliest manhole covers sourced by Gareth Winter, and a design commissioned from painter Anna-Marie Kingsley. Sam Ludden will run a pop-up education space, using resources developed by freshwater scientist Amber McEwan.
Denise Batchelor, Still frame from video Flow like the River. HD Video. 3 mins 10 secs (loop), 2014.