Kate Woods & Sue Jowsey/Len Gillman/Andrew Denton

Sites and Settings

Kate Woods
1 June – 27 June 2022

Time’s Strange Tissue

Sue Jowsey, Len Gillman and Andrew Denton
Nga Wai Hono: WZ Building, AUT
2 June – 8 June 2022

Reviewed by Andrew Clark for PhotoForum

Auckland Festival of Photography exhibitions

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Act Natural - reviewed

Curated by Yvonne Todd

Featuring: Marie Blampain, Geoffrey Heath, Gilbert Melrose, Christina Pataialii, Meg Porteous, Cass Power, John Tiger Shen, Yvonne Todd, Susan Wiggins

McLeavey Gallery

29 May – 19 June 2021

Reviewed by Ish Doney for PhotoForum

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Together Alone

Caryline Boreham, Jacob Hamilton, Kim Lu, Timothy Mackrell, Saynab Muse, Céline Sayé, Yvonne Shaw, Tim J. Veling, Terje Koloamatangi. Curated by Allan McDonald

Gallery One
Unitec, Building 76, Gateway 4, Carrington Rd, Mt Albert, Auckland

9 June - 2 July 2021

Opening: 5 - 7pm Wednesday 9 June

Part of the Auckland Festival of Photography

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