Make your photo book a reality - a panel discussion

Talking Culture - Make your photo book a reality - a panel discussion

Becky Nunes, Simon Devitt, Mickey Smith, Harry Culy, Anita Totha

Ellen Melville Centre
cnr High St & Freyberg Place, Auckland

2 June 2019, 11:30am - 1:00pm

Part of the Auckland Festival of Photography

Proudly hosted by Momento Pro.

Becky Nunes will direct a lively discussion on the reality of publishing a photo book in 2019 New Zealand, with input from those at the coalface: published photographers Simon Devitt and Mickey Smith, indy publisher Harry Culy of Bad News Books, and book distributor Anita Totha of Remote Photobooks. You'll be enlightened on funding and publishing models, the design process, format options, pricing, promotions and traps not to fall into.

Find out more about photo book printing and self publishing at
