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Photospace 21st Birthday Group Exhibition

Photospace 21st Birthday Group Exhibition

Mark Beehre, Peter Black, Kerry-Ann Boyle, Lisa Clunie, Siren Deluxe, James Gilberd, Alannah Gunter, Su Hendeles, Karen Lee, Mary Macpherson, Mark Marriott, Lucien Rizos, Andrew Ross, Cathy Tuato'o Ross, Heinz Sobiecki, Ellen Smith, Christine Szabados, Julian Ward, Hans Weston, John Williams, and Alan Wylde

Photospace Gallery
37 Courtenay Place, Wellington

06 December 2019 - 25 January 2020

Opening Friday 06 December from 5.30pm

To celebrate the milestone of 21 years since opening in 1998, PhotoSpace is having a group exhibition of 21 photographs by a representative selection of artists; Mark Beehre, Peter Black, Kerry-Ann Boyle, Lisa Clunie, Siren Deluxe, James Gilberd, Alannah Gunter, Su Hendeles, Karen Lee, Mary Macpherson, Mark Marriott, Lucien Rizos, Andrew Ross, Cathy Tuato'o Ross, Heinz Sobiecki, Ellen Smith, Christine Szabados, Julian Ward, Hans Weston, John Williams, and Alan Wylde.

Kedron Parker will be DJ-ing during the exhibition opening.

Also (screening in the studio during the opening only), there will be a slide-show of all of the exhibition posters dating back to December, 1998, which is a way of acknowledging all of the artists who have exhibited during the gallery's 21-year history.

See a list of all exhibitors here

Read Mary Macpherson’s interview with Photospace founder and director James Gilberd