Orlando & Ruth

Orlando & Ruth

Elizabeth Joy Corin

Exhibition and Photobook launch

SKAR Image Lab
1 New Bond Street, Kingsland, Tāmaki Makaurau

7 - 28 September 2023

Opening 7 September 6-8pm

Taken over a five-year period following the birth of her nephew, Orlando, Elizabeth Corin’s latest photographic series explores the relationships between a mother and her son as they grow together. Shot on 35mm film, the photographs in Orlando and Ruth offer fleeting, intimate glimpses into their lives, capturing the joy, frustration and mundanity in the lilting dance of everyday life. And within this ebb and flow too, of course, is Elizabeth, who as a sister, aunt and photographer has helped shape these shared memories through different lenses and across fluid timelines.

Throughout her fourteen-year photographic practice, Aotearoa artist Elizabeth has captured moments that are profoundly personal yet prevalent, which whisper of the full complexity of lives lived beyond the frame. With this touring exhibition of prints and accompanying photobook, she shares intimate portraits of motherhood which, in their evocative impressions of lived experiences, are universally palpable, yet profoundly personal.


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