David Dunham

David Dunham

Lost in Music

PhotoForum Member Portfolio, August 2021

About the work:

This used to be me. The one losing it to music in a darkened room. Music does that to you. For me, it was House music. All I could think about was the club, the tunes, and the abandonment of self-awareness. The knees don't quite allow such abandonment these days. Nevertheless, I'm still fascinated by the intoxication of music. Hence why I'm working on a series entitled (unsurprisingly) Lost In Music. It features the musicians, DJs, singer songwriters, but on the whole, it is the people in the audience that my camera preferes. And so here you are, with a little sample of me (and my old knees) living vicariously through others. Thank you for dropping by. Best wishes, David.

To see more of David's work: www.davidrdunham.com