Our Neighbourhood

Our Neighbourhood

An open air photography exhibition

Lee Howell

Kingsland Shops, New North Road, Auckland

28 September – 1 October 2017

This is photographer Lee Howell’s second open air exhibition in Kingsland. The first, in February 2017, was of his ‘Kingsland ‘ project. Seeing the pictures in that series led the Commercial General Manager of Eden Park to commission Howell to do a similar project for the neighbouring Eden Park. After five months of photographing, the large prints were installed all around the Eden Park stadium in time for the British and Irish Lions series, and will remain on display there for a year.

This four day presentation is a temporary relocation of those prints, coinciding with the Kingsland Flavours Festival 28 September.

Howell has devised a system for quickly attaching and detaching the prints to the glass windows of participating shops. I don’t envy him the task of putting all the prints up every afternoon and removing them again at the end of the day for the duration of the exhibition, but it is refreshing to see photographs presented in the communities in which they were made. It creates a very different engagement to the walls of an art gallery.

Both the Kingsland Project and the Our Neighbourhood series can be seen on Howell’s website here.