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City of Tomorrow

Gavin Hipkins, The Homely: Milford Sound (Falls), 2004

City of Tomorrow

Natalie Guy and Gavin Hipkins

Tauranga Art Gallery
Cnr Wharf and Willow Streets, Tauranga

4 June - 30 October 2022

City of Tomorrow brings together two practitioners, Auckland-based photography and moving image-artist Gavin Hipkins and Tauranga-born sculptor Natalie Guy, who each contend with the early aspirations of modern architecture. Borrowing the title Le Corbusier’s early writings on repetition and order, together they unpack the famed architect’s zealous ideals for the makeup of the future city by contending with traces of his legacy.

Gavin Hipkins, The Homely: New Lanark (Girl), 2015

The exhibition also features Hipkins’ The Homely II, toured by City Gallery Wellington. Described as ‘a post-colonial gothic novel’, The Homely is 35-metre-long band of images formed from 80 individual photographic prints. Hipkins scales the artwork to wrap around the gallery space and encircle the viewer, evoking ‘the sense of unease that young nations face in defining nationhood’.

Project Partner: City Gallery Wellington

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