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Te Rere a Kāpuni

Te Rere a Kāpuni

Ans Westra

189 Ponsonby Road, Auckland

14 April - 8 May 2021

Ans Westra, Te Rere a Kāpuni, Easter, 1965

On show at both {Suite} galleries until 8 May are exhibitions of colour images by New Zealand Arts Icon artist Ans Westra.

{Suite} Ponsonby is exhibiting a group of images made at a Ratana church event in 1965 at Te Rere a Kāpuni, a waterfall on the slopes of Mt Taranaki. 

On show at {Suite} Wellington are Ans' ever popular floral studies from the early 2000s, an example of her ‘creative’ practise which sits alongside her well-known documentary work.

To view all of the images on show at both galleries click here. Available works by all {Suite} artists can be viewed in our online catalogue with the password Suiteonline.

For further information please contact {Suite} Director David Alsop via email or 04 218 4399.