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Mac Miller

Mac Miller

PhotoForum Member Portfolio, 2010

I love photography. I love the way a photograph becomes instant history. I have always been an amateur and enjoy most styles and try not to pigeonhole my work. I don’t have assignments but just carry my camera with me most times and photograph anything that captures my imagination especially if it’s humorous in my mind.

After attending camera clubs in Wellington and Hamilton in the late 1960s and early 1970s I met J B Turner and because I owned Milestone, a Printing Plate manufacturing company we started to work on producing the Photo-Forum Magazines. Offset printing was expensive in those days and I don’t know how John managed to produce 22 books from Feb 1974 until Jan 1978.

I stopped taking photos because of work commitments for over twenty years and when I started again was worried that I may not find the passion that I used to have. I have and am enjoying learning the aspects that digital Photography and Photoshop have thrown up.